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7 Ways to Show Your Mom You Care

Moms make us who we are. And it's time to give something back. Mothers Day, birthdays, any day - doesn't matter. There's no time like now to send a little extra love your mom's way. Whether she gave birth to you, raised you, or was simply there when you needed her, here are seven of our favorite ways to thank the person you call "mom."

Get to Cleaning: Remember all those times she told you to put your cups in the dishwasher and you just… didn't? Show eight year old you a thing or two and make your mom's house shine. Do the dishes. Wash the towels. Dust the ceiling fan. Do all those little things that she hates the most. She's gonna love it (and will likely let you know when you've missed a spot).

Buy Her a Drink: No, we're not suggesting going out to the bars with your mom (unless you two are into that). Instead, gift her with her favorite beverages and a set of drinkware. Whether it's wine, beer, lemonade, or a nice G&T, raise a glass together in her honor.

Take a Trip: Your mom likely spent a lot of time taking you from place to place while you were growing up. Return the favor by taking her to a spot you know she'll love. Whether it's around the block or halfway across the world, she'll cherish the time spent planning and dreaming with you as much as she does the trip itself.

Plant A Garden: Why give your mom a bouquet when you could give her an endless supply of blooms, plus a reason to spend time together? Whether it's a container garden on your balcony, a raised bed in the front yard, or a plot in a community garden, growing something with your mom is the perfect way to grow closer.

Cook a Meal… And Do the Dishes: Show your mom what a great kid she raised by cooking her something special. Doesn't have to be fancy, just something made with love. Serve with a complementing beverage and make sure the kitchen is spotless after and she'll have one of the best meals of her life.

Show Her You Need Her: Once upon a time your mom had to teach you how to use a spoon. Now you're all grown up and don't need the same things from her as you used to. But that doesn't mean you don't still need her, and it's okay to let her know. Ask for her advice on something she knows a lot about. Let her in a little more on what's going on in your life. While this isn't always the case, many of us still have a lot to gain (and give) from leaning on our moms a little more than we do. 

Just Say It: You don't have to go over the top to show your mom you care - sometimes all you have to do is say it. Whether it's in as many words in person or a quick text first thing in the morning, the words "I love you, mom" are always ones she'll want to hear. 

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